Sermon: God’s Feast

This is the audio (34:11, 31.3 MB) of a sermon preached at the Klaipėda Free Christian Church entitled, “God’s Feast,” in preparation for our monthly celebration of the Lord’s Supper. The text is Exodus 24:1–12.

Here is an excerpt:

We see that God wants to be obeyed—he cares a lot about obedience. But he also wants to be seen, and he wants to share fellowship with human beings. Think about this! He didn’t have to bring the priests and the elders part-way up the mountain to see him. He didn’t have to share this meal with them. He could have just passed on the Law to Moses, and said, “Understand? OK, we’re good.” “Ar jus suprantat? Taip? Viskas gerai!” God wants to be seen and experienced; he wants to share hospitality with human beings. He can’t do so as long as the guilt of sin and rebellion hangs over us, so he had to make a way for human beings to come into his presence. Fellowship is the reason for forgiveness.

Audio and text: ©2018 by Benjamin D. Giffone. Reproduction and distribution are permitted, providing that the author is properly credited and that no fee is charged.

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