Sermon: “I Have Dealt With You for My Name’s Sake” (Ezekiel 20:30-44)

This is the audio (38:03, 11.7 MB) of a sermon preached at our Lithuania home church, Klaipėda Free Christian Church, on September 5, 2021. The main text is Ezekiel 20:30-44.

The elders in Ezekiel’s day were at a loss as to how to approach God. Their guilt was before them, and everything that YHWH said through Ezekiel was abundantly true. Continuing to the time of Jesus: How did God deal with his sinful people, still in exile, still oppressed by the Romans and their gods, and victims of their own sinfulness? There seemed to be no way out.

But God, who was rich in mercy, provided a solution for his people, in Christ. Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days, as Israel was for 40 years. Jesus went into “exile,” the death of a cross, separation from his father. Not because he deserved it, but because he chose to take our sin upon himself. Jesus “passed under the rod of the Father’s anger” for us! Jesus did so, so that he could bring his people into the land, that we would be fit to bear the name of YHWH God! And, he gave us his body and blood, continuing offerings so that we can be in fellowship with God!

Enjoy hearing the sermon in both English and Lithuanian (back-and-forth)! You can also watch the service on Facebook.

Audio and text: ©2021 by Benjamin D. Giffone. Reproduction and distribution are permitted, providing that the author is properly credited and that no fee is charged.

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