Sermon: YHWH’s Glorious Images

This is the audio (20:32, 28.2 MB) of a sermon preached at LCC’s Wednesday chapel service entitled, “YHWH’s Glorious Images,” on November 13. The main text is Exodus 20:1-21.

Here is an excerpt of the sermon:

YHWH God is not just interested in managing the damage; he has a plan to create a renewed humanity to properly project his image in the world. This is why he chose Abraham and made a covenant with him to make a special people. This is why he preserves Israel in Egypt—and why he saves them out of Egypt. And now, having rescued his images through the waters of baptism in the Red Sea, feeding his images with bread from heaven and water from a rock, and clothing his images with all the gold, silver, jewels, and fancy textiles and materials from the Egyptians—he brings them to this holy mountain, and establishes this special relationship with them.
commandments-image-of-godThe Ten Commandments, which form the foundation for this covenant between YHWH and Israel, his special people, is for their benefit. Each of the commandments somehow relates to a special ability that we have to reflect YHWH’s image.

Audio and text: ©2019 by Benjamin D. Giffone. Reproduction and distribution are permitted, providing that the author is properly credited and that no fee is charged.

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