Sermon: Aukštas Bokštas (Tall Tower)

lkbThis is the audio (37:44, 51.2 MB) of a sermon preached at our Lithuania home church, Klaipėda Free Christian Church, on December 8. The sermon is titled, “Aukštas Bokštas,” and the main text is Genesis 11:1–9, the story of the Tower of Babylon.

(In Lithuanian, aukštas bokštas means “tall tower,” and it’s just fun to say!) I connected the Tower of Babylon story to Daniel 3, Pentecost, and Revelation 5:9–14. Enjoy hearing the sermon in both English and Lithuanian (back-and-forth)!

[Audio and text: ©2019 by Benjamin D. Giffone. Reproduction and distribution are permitted, providing that the author is properly credited and that no fee is charged.]

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